Be Smart! Be Sober! Be Safe!
Travel Alcohol Free!
The Wilcox County Community Coalition (WCCC) is continuously recruiting new members to bring positive change to Wilcox County. The WCCC’s focus is on the prevention of underage drinking in Wilcox County by implementing various activities throughout the community. Members of this coalition all have a passion for making Wilcox County a safe community for our children by providing them with knowledge and understanding in hopes that it may prevent incidents in the future related to underage drinking.
Mediacom Communications announced the company is extending Through July and August billing cycles a series of previously announced initiatives directed at helping American families address work, education and health care challenges created by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Specific initiatives include:
In addition, beginning with the September billing cycle and continuing through the end of 2020. Mediacom will provide up to 100 gigabytes of additional data to any broadband customer that exceeds their monthly data allowance for free.
Wilcox County Library has a subscription to TumbleBook Library, that families can access from home. It’s unlimited and free. TumbleBook Library is an online collection of e-books for children. The e-books are also available in Spanish and French. You can use your computer, tablet and mobile phone. Visit the App Store or Google Play. No downloads, stream right to your device at the click of a button.
Be Smart! Be Sober! Be Safe!
Travel Alcohol Free!
The Wilcox County Community Coalition (WCCC) is continuously recruiting new members to bring positive change to Wilcox County. The WCCC’s focus is on the prevention of underage drinking in Wilcox County by implementing various activities throughout the community. Members of this coalition all have a passion for making Wilcox County a safe community for our children by providing them with knowledge and understanding in hopes that it may prevent incidents in the future related to underage drinking.
Wilcox County Library has a subscription to TumbleBook Library, that families can access from home. It’s unlimited and free. TumbleBook Library is an online collection of e-books for children. The e-books are also available in Spanish and French. You can use your computer, tablet and mobile phone. Visit the App Store or Google Play. No downloads, stream right to your device at the click of a button.
Wilcox Central High School and Camden School of Technology Students attended FOCUS Rally 2019 at University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
If you desire to join the WCCC, please contact
Brenda Autry at
If you desire to join the WCCC, please contact Sylvia Williams at…/underage-drinking-statistics › Addiction › Alcohol › Effects on Families › … › Special Populations & Co-occurring Disorders…/underage-drinking-statistics › Addiction › Alcohol › Effects on Families › … › Special Populations & Co-occurring Disorders